See what happens when a rookie goes CrossFit

Sixty minutes and many many kinds of excercises. That's what it took me to train my whole body with CrossFit and get my muscles sore for about 3 days. When I say sore, I mean not being able to go faster than o,1 miles per hour, with my left hand wrapped around my friend Anna's neck.

Sixty minutes and many many kinds of excercises. That’s what it took me to train my whole body with CrossFit and get my muscles sore for about 3 days. When I say sore, I mean not being able to go faster than o,1 miles per hour, with my left hand wrapped around my friend Anna’s neck.

Pain. Lots of pain. However, from day one, I wanted to go back to the training ground. My muscles felt sore in an addictive way, no joke. My whole body “screamed” that ita had been finally trained in a proper way, I was deeply surprised and I immediately joined the list of CrossFit fans.

I know, CrossFit might sound scary/ That’s what I felt before arriving to the gym, where Dimitris Moros does his training sessions. TERROR. From what I had heard, CrossFit was a tough kind of practice. Kelly Brook once said that she wanted to vomit during practice. And I hadn’t done any kind of physical activity for about a year or so. I just walked.

How on earth would I be able to cope with a “high intensity rapidly changing functional training”? How would I face the excercise machines, the weights and the track?

I arrived at FitnessArt CrossFit Box, a bit nervous. Dimitris Moros tried to make me feel more comfortable and it took me only five minutes to realize that no one would make me train till death. I could train as much as my body could.

And I made it! In an hour of training, I might have skipped a few excercises but I did almost everything that was in my schedule in tip top shape. It wasn’t easy. It was painful sometimes and my feet felt a bit sore.

It might sound weird but what tired me the most was running. My group was full of highly trained athletes who ran very fast and I tried to keep up with them., therefore I found myself trying to catch a breath after a while.

All excercises were somehow moderate, targeting the right spots on my body, I could feel it at the very time of the exercise. It took me a while to understand each exercise but in the end I triumphed. I wasn’t paying much attention to the timer that they used at the core program, my goal wasn’t to do the follow the program on time, my goal was just to be able to follow the rest of the athletes in the program.

For obvious reasons, recovery was the best part. I had succeeded in completing many of my tasks and I stretched looking for the first time at the faces of the people I worked out with. Yep, I can surely say that CrossFit made me “blind” for a short period of time, I could only look down at my feet from exhaustion.

When I saw the video, I noticed some things that I wasn’t able to see clearly during practice. I also saw that there were quite a few nice looking guys training with me, although my first impression was that I hadn’t seen anyone looking good around me.

But this is just the frosting around the cake. I can guarantee, from the bottom of my heart and with my hands on me sore muscles, that 3 months of CrossFit can ensure a good looking body to show off on the beach.

And all this, not just by working out on the treadmill, the bicycle or any other boring thing you do in a normal gym. Every time you get to do a different set of excercises, every training can make you feel good about yourself, it can make you feel victorious.

I know that you already wanna sign up, like I did. See you around.

Fancy my outfit?

Besides looking at Dimitris and the excercises, did you check on my sports oufit? You are a true fan of Ladylike! Here are the dets, in case you want to buy any specific item from what I wore.

Nike Flyknit Zoom Agility shoes, 161 euro

Nike Dri- Fit Cushion No Show socks

Nike Legend 2.0 tights, 33.52 euro

Nike Pro Fierce sports bustier,  40 euro

Nike Gym DFK Sleeveless top, 55 ευρώ

Nike Fleece Zip Through, 102.74 ευρώ

Nike headband, 4.10 ευρώ