Αυτή η μητέρα θηλάζει το μωρό της στο σούπερ μάρκετ και δε δίνει δεκάρα για τις αντιδράσεις των περαστικών

Από καταβολής κόσμου, οι γυναίκες γεννούν. Γίνονται μητέρες και θηλάζουν. Κι ενώ μέχρι μια εποχή αυτή ήταν μια «δουλειά» που γινόταν κεκλεισμένων των θυρών ή στο σπίτι αποκλειστικά, καθώς το γυναικείο φύλο αποκτά πολύ περισσότερους ρόλους από αυτόν της μητέρας, ο θηλασμός άρχισε να γίνεται κομμάτι της κανονικής καθημερινής της ζωής (κι ας παραμένει μια αρκετά επίπονη διαδικασία για πολλές μητέρες).

Δεν είναι εύκολο να συνδυάσεις ζωή και μητρότητα και το να θηλάζεις μόνο τις ώρες που βρίσκεσαι στο σπίτι δεν είναι βιώσιμο. Κάπως έτσι θηλασμός έπαψε να θεωρείται ταμπού και έγινε δημόσιο «άθλημα». Τέλος μαθήματος ιστορίας και fast forward στο 2018.

Αν πας σε μια παρέα μανάδων ή σε μια παρέα σκέτο και αφήσεις το θέμα «δημόσιος θηλασμός» θα δεις κατευθείαν τους ανθρώπους να διχάζονται, να χωρίζονται σαν το λάδι με το νερό. Άλλους τους κάνει να αισθάνονται αμήχανα, άλλους τους ενοχλεί κανονικά και καταβαραθρώνουν ως «αθέμιτο» και «ακατάλληλο», άλλοι μηδενίζουν την αξία του χαρακτηρίζοντας το «απλή μόδα» και άλλοι μιλούν για ναρκισσισμό.

Η πρώτη και βασική ερώτηση που εύλογα προκύπτει απέναντι στα παραπάνω επιχειρήματα είναι γιατί μπορεί να ενοχλεί τόσο έναν περαστικό η εικόνα μιας μητέρας που κάνει το πιο φυσιολογικό πράγμα στον κόσμο: ταΐζει το παιδί της.

Το ότι αυτό συμπεριλαμβάνει την έκθεση μέρους του στήθους της σε κοινή θέα όμως δεν συγχωρείται εύκολα από μια κοινωνία καθωσπρεπισμού και της ταύτισης του γυμνού με ανυπόληπτα άτομα, χαρακτηρισμός που καθόλου δεν θα ταίριαζε σε μια, κατά τα ήθη, «χρηστή» μητέρα. Δεν είναι λίγες οι μητέρες που όταν ακούν τα παραπάνω και, τελικά, γίνονται αποδέκτες αρνητικών αντιδράσεων και βλεμμάτων του συντηρητικού «σα δε ντρέπεται λιγάκι» για το θέαμα του δημόσιου θηλασμού, μετατρέπονται σε μαινόμενους ταύρους.

Η αλήθεια είναι ότι όταν το παιδί πρέπει να φάει, η υπόθεση δεν χωράει συμβιβασμούς και οπισθοχωρήσεις.

Κάπως έτσι, έχουν οργανωθεί διαμαρτυρίες και σχετικά events μαζικού δημόσιου θηλασμού (μάλιστα τον Νοέμβριο του 2017, στα πλαίσια της Παγκόσμιας Εβδομάδας Μητρικού Θηλασμού, οργανώθηκε ο 8ος Πανελλαδικός Ταυτόχρονος Δημόσιος Θηλασμός σε 53 πόλεις και νησιά της Ελλάδας).

Την ίδια στιγμή, πολλές μαμάδες-bloggers ή μητέρες με λογαριασμούς στο Instagram εξυψώνουν την αξία αυτής της κίνησης με δριμεία, ειλικρινή και αναπολογητικά ποστ. Μία από αυτές είναι και η Instagrammer natthenaturalmom.

Η, κατά κόσμον, Natalee Jorge-Martin αδιαφορεί πλήρως για το πώς σου φαίνεται, τόσο εκείνη, όσο και το στήθος της με ένα μωρό κολλημένο πάνω στη θηλή της, και ανεβάζει από stories (έχει ειδικό bullet με story highlights από θηλασμό) μέχρι κανονικά post με εκείνη να θηλάζει την νεογέννητη κόρη της παντού και σε οποιοδήποτε πλαίσιο. Κάνοντας βόλτα σε ένα πάρκο, ψωνίζοντας στο σούπερ μάρκετ, ακόμα και ούσα παράνυμφος σε ένα γάμο.

Η zero fucks given νοοτροπία της συνεχίζεται καθώς δε φοβάται να θίξει και να μιλήσει ανοιχτά για οποιαδήποτε ταμπού της μητρότητας όπως τα κιλά της εγκυμοσύνης ή την επιλόχειο κατάθλιψη.


When breastfeeding is normalized things like this happen. My little brother completely unphased by the fact that my tit is out because he understands that this tit is here for one reason: to feed Delilah. And me over it cus he’s interrupting my photo shoot for the gram But in all seriousness, I’m very lucky to have a very supportive family. We are all very close, my brothers are my best friends and they both love my daughter sooooo much! One of them even told me that he has never been prouder of me than he is now, watching me become a mother and breastfeed despite all odds. Unfortunately, though not everyone has this level of support. If your family is pressuring you to stop breastfeeding, or to cover up when you do, please remember that even if their intentions are good NO ONE BUT YOU knows what is right for your child. Don’t let them bully you into ending your breastfeeding relationship too early or hiding in the shadows when you nurse. Do what you feel is right, your baby is more important than a disgruntled family member. • Not having a support system is awful and I really wish everyone would just get over the unnecessary taboo surrounding breastfeeding. Maybe one day our daughters won’t have to go through this. But for now, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or just need a friend to talk to, someone to support you, send me a DM and we’ll talk about boobies and babies and all the wonderful (and terrible) aspects of motherhood. . . . . . #brotherappreciationpost #normalizebreastfeeding #normalisebreastfeeding #breastfeedingmom #breastfeedwithoutfear #breastfeedingjourney #breastfeedingadvocate #breastfeedingmama #breastfeedingisbeautiful #breastfeedinpublic #feedingwithlovesubmission #pumpspotting #ig_motherhood #momcommunity #motherhoodunplugged #momhub #motherhoodthroughinstagram #unitedinmotherhood #uniteinmotherhood #honestlymothering #dailyparenting #oureverydaymoments #joyfulmama #honestmotherhood #memoirsofmotherhood #motherhoodunhinged

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When mothers breastfeed in public they are doing it for many reasons: -feeding a hungry baby -avoiding a meltdown by said hungry baby -offering baby a calm place away from overstimulation -using their breasts for their intended purpose • Here are some examples of what they are NOT doing: -looking for attention -showing off their tits for men to enjoy -trying to catch a man by looking “sexy” -being slutty -being inconsiderate to those around them -asking for catcalls -asking for your opinion • Legally, here is what breastfeeding mothers need to do in public: -sit there and breastfeed (You literally don’t even have to cover your nipple if you don’t want to, btw) Here’s what they DON’T need to do: -cover up -go nurse in a bathroom -pump and give a bottle when they’re out -feel ashamed for breastfeeding in public -give a shit about whether or not Susan has an issue with public breastfeeding. • Now that we’ve got that settled, next time you see a breastfeeding mama in public either go about your business without saying a damn thing OR shoot them a thumbs up and a smile (in solidarity, don’t be a creep) • Ps: the same applies when you see mamas posting breastfeeding pics on the internet. I promise, we’re not fishing for attention or dick pics. Just sharing a beautiful part of our daily lives with like-minded individuals. Plus, if you never see something, it will never be normalized. So next time you feel brave and want to say something judgmental to a breastfeeding mother, take a second to reflect and ask yourself: is it really worth it for me to be a dick right now? What am I going to gain from being an asshole to this woman who is doing her best? Would I like it if a random person treated me the way I’m about to treat this woman? Please, also remember that just because you have a right to your own opinion doesn’t mean you have to shit over someone else’s. #foodforthought #dontbeatroll . . . . . . #normalizebreastfeeding #normalisebreastfeeding #breastfeedingmom #breastfeedwithoutfear #breastfeedingjourney #breastfeedingadvocate #breastfeedingmama #breastfeedingisbeautiful #breastfeedinpublic #feedingwithlovesubmission #pumpspotting #stopcensoringmotherhood

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One of the most important things when it comes to establishing a successful breastfeeding relationship is prenatal education. Right after you give birth your hormones are alllll over the place, you’re healing from childbirth and trying to figure out how to be a mom all at once. This is not the time to try to learn everything you can about breastfeeding! • When I was pregnant I watched every single breastfeeding video on YouTube that I could possibly find. NONE of these videos actually prepared me for what I was about to experience. Partially because I ended up having Mammary Hypoplasia (see my post on it for more details) but mostly because none of the videos I watched were up to the level that I needed to actually learn about breastfeeding as a whole. It’s so much more than establishing a good latch! • I recently became an affiliate with @lactationlink and I’m so excited to share this with you all because they have the BESTTTT breastfeeding classes that you can take at your own pace while you’re pregnant and refer back to later when you have questions during your breastfeeding journey! The classes cover every aspect of breastfeeding from the basics to common hurdles and pumping/breastmilk storage! I have personally watched all of the videos in their classes and can honestly say that I wish I had these when I was pregnant. Even now that I am 10 months in I am continuing to learn from them Lindsay is an IBCLC and she has so much wonderful information to teach! If you’re a pregnant mama, breastfeeding mama or you just want to learn as much as possible about breastfeeding, these classes will really help you! Not to mention that as an aspiring IBCLC myself, these classes are a godsend. I feel like they are preparing me for my career where I’ll be helping other mamas breastfeed! • If you want to purchase any of the videos or the entire breastfeeding class use the link in my bio! • Please let me know below what your breastfeeding experience was like! Did you have proper prenatal education? If you didn’t, do you wish you did? . . . . . . #lactationlink #IBCLC #normalizebreastfeeding

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Just another day in the life of an exclusively breastfeeding mama! I’m a bridesmaid in my best friends wedding and i have theeeeee cutesttttt accessory! • It can be difficult when you have a baby that won’t take a bottle. You can’t leave them with a sitter, or be separated for more than 2-3 hours. If you have a baby that prefers the breast, don’t feel overwhelmed although it is very overwhelming at some times…like when you’re at a wedding from 8am to who knows when and have to breastfeed round the clock. • But I wouldn’t have it any other way because the bond I have with my little human is indescribable. It took me a while to get to this point, i used to cry and complain and scream because i was the ONLY one who could feed the baby. It’s difficult at 4 am when you’re exhausted and overwhelmed and your husband can’t help by giving the baby a bottle. Or when you’re friends invite you over and you have to stop and breastfeed every 1-2 hours instead of handing her off to her dad for a bottle. If you have a baby that won’t take a bottle and you’re struggling, don’t worry it gets better. Eventually it becomes so easy to nurse that you can do it anywhere, any time without even a wink. If you’re struggling and need some encouragement drop me a comment or send me a DM and we’ll talk about it . . . . . . #breastfeeding #breastfedbaby #normalizebreastfeeding #ig_motherhood #momcommunity #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodthroughinstagram #exclusivelybreastfed #breastfeedingmama #breastfeedinginpublic #breastfeedwithoutfear #honestlymothering #motherhoodrising #candidchildhood #lovelysquares #joyfulmama #momswithcameras #documentyourdays #myhonestmotherhood #momlifeisthebestlife #babygirl #girlmom #darlingmamatribe #babyootd #mama #momlife #motherhood #firsttimemom #momblogger #babywearing

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So you guys all know that I am an avid supporter of breastfeeding, specifically breastfeeding in public! I teamed up with @lot801 and a few other mamas to bring awareness to the #normalizebreastfeeding and #dropthecover movement! The first time I nursed in public without a cover was 6 days PP and it was an extremely stressful experience, until it wasn’t. Once my blog gets up and running I’m going to share the story in detail. I have now been breastfeeding in public without a cover and without giving a single damn for almost 9 months! ( . )( . ) I want you to know that it is normal to feel cautious or scared to breastfeed in public. The world has taken this wonderful, natural thing and stigmatized it so that we are made to feel guilty for doing what our breasts were made to do. It’s heartbreaking but together we can change it. The more people see a woman breastfeeding the sooner it will be a normal sight! If you wanna go one step further, always have your boobie blanket on hand because the more people see BOOBS the quicker they will stop being sexualized and seen for what they are; a piece of fatty tissue and cells used to feed babies. If you want to cover up while you nurse do so because it makes YOU comfortable, not because NOT covering up make OTHERS uncomfortable. That’s their problem, not yours. In addition to changing the world, this blanket is super soft and we use it daily in our home. It’s Delilah’s favorite! If you want your own boobs baby blanket head to @lot801 and use the code NATSHIP for free domestic shipping! . . . . #normalisebreastfeeding #breastfeedingmom #breastfeedwithoutfear #breastfeedingjourney #breastfeedingadvocate #breastfeedingmama #breastfeedingisbeautiful #breastfeedinpublic #feedingwithlovesubmission #freethenipple #stopcensoringmotherhood #disneysmmoms #disneymama

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κεντρική φωτογραφία: Instagram/natthenaturalmom