Οι ιστορίες πίσω από τις ουλές αυτών των ανθρώπων θα σε συγκλονίσουν

Οι ουλές ή τα σημάδια που φέρει κανείς στο σώμα του, επίκτητα ή μη, είναι κάτι που δεν έχουν όλοι, γι' αυτό και συνήθως δεν φέρουν θετικό πρόσημο. Τα βλέπουμε είτε ως άσχημα, επικίνδυνα, εγκληματικά, και συχνά όσοι τα έχουν, τα κρύβουν και ντρέπονται γι' αυτά.

Μια εντελώς διαφορετική προσέγγιση για κάτι τέτοιο που μπορεί να κάνει έναν άνθρωπο ακόμα και να μην έχει αυτοπεποίθηση, επιχείρησε η Sophie Mayenne από το Λονδίνο, με ένα υπέροχο φωτογραφικό project. To “Behind the Scars” είναι μια σειρά από φωτογραφίες με ανθρώπους, τις ουλές τους και τις ιστορίες πίσω από αυτές.

«Σαν φωτογράφο, πάντα με τραβούσε η ωμή και αρετουσάριστη εικόνα και αυτό που μας κάνει διαφορετικούς τον έναν από τον άλλον – και κάπως έτσι ξεκίνησε το ενδιαφέρον μου για τα σημάδια και τις ουλές. Όταν πρωτοξεκίνησα το project, θυμάμαι ότι έλεγα πως αν καταφέρω να κάνω τη διαφορά για τουλάχιστον έναν άνθρωπο, τότε έχω πετύχει. Καθώς το project μεγαλώνει, απλά ελπίζω να αγγίξει ακόμα περισσότερο κόσμο και να συνεχίσει να έχει θετική επίδραση πάνω τους», είπε η ίδια η Sophie στο BoredPanda.

Οι άνθρωποι που φωτογραφίζει είναι συχνά ανασφαλείς και δείχνουν ευάλωτοι στη θέα του φωτογραφικού φακού, αφού για χρόνια συνήθιζαν να κρύβουν τα σημάδια που η Sophie τώρα τους ζητάει να αποκαλύψουν μπροστά της. «Η ανταπόκριση τελικά είναι πολύ θετική – το να βλέπεις τον εαυτό σου μέσα από τα μάτια ενός φωτογράφου μπορεί να είναι πολύ θεραπευτικό – αφού μπορεί να μην έχουν μοιραστεί ξανά τις εμπειρίες τους, ενώ ορισμένοι μαθαίνουν να αγαπούν απ’ την αρχή τις ουλές και το σώμα τους», λέει η Sophie.

#behindthescars Abi “I was diagnosed with a rare and extremely aggressive form of cancer called Osteosarcoma when I was 27 years old. Doctor’s think that I had the tumour since I was 26. My right arm was aching whilst I was sleeping – everyone I would chop vegetables, and get dressed. I went to see a chiropractor – he moved my arm around and I screamed very loudly. He just said that I had damaged my muscle and said I was very dramatic. Unknown to him, what lay behind my “dramatic” scream was something quite sinister. I was living in South Africa, Cape Town and had recently received my visa to live there. I was working with ant-sex trafficking victims and supporting abused women and children. I had just started helping out at a support group, when one of the girls approached me and said “Hey, you don't know me very well, but I wanted to let you know that I’ve had 3 vivid dreams about you in a row now. In them you come to my house, and when I wake up I feel God’s presence, so I really feel that you need to come to my house.” I’m quite a spiritual person, and had dreams in my childhood that had come true, so I thought I'd go and see her. The day I went to her house she wasn’t actually in. as I was walking out of her courtyard, I had a sense that her dog was going to go for me. The dog looked chilled, so I just shut the gate and as I put my hand through the gate to lock it, I heart the dog bark, and jump up to bite m, so I gently jumped back and my arm completely snapped as I landed. My friend took me to the Doctors. I was sent for a scar and it showed that I had a very clean break. The Doctor’s face dropped when she saw my scan. she booked me in to see another Doctor the next morning. I was in so much pain I didn’t really question why I was seeing another Doctor. When I saw him the following morning he asked me a lot of the typical cancer questions – Have you lost weight, have you passed blood, and so on. He said something had been eroding my bone- my heart was pounding thinking of all the things it could possibly be. He then said those dreaded words that literally took my breath away – you most probably have cancer. Continued in comments

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne) στις




#behindthescars Lamissah Hello my name is Lamissah La-Shontae and I’m a 10 year old U.K Model and Actress Life isn’t about what colour hair or eyes you have .. or the shape of your body .. height or weight .. nor is it about the colour of your skin. Beauty is inside out.. we are all beautiful.. you just have to look deep inside to see and feel it… the eyes are the window to your soul and tell a thousand stories. I was born with several different marks and birthmarks .. most of which faded or disappeared with age, the Drs said it's a common thing in mixed babies. Last year a brown mark I had on my arm seemed to get darker, so I was referred to a specialist dermatologist. We were reassured it was nothing to worry about. Things carried on as normal. I was following my dreams – travelling the world, modelling and filming lots of amazing film productions. I was working very hard… until earlier this year when the mark on my arm seemed to grow rapidly bigger and darker – spreading into my armpit and slightly down my arm. My GP saw me at the clinic and rang immediately for me to be seen and referred to a specialist. 2 days later I received a call from the hospital – an emergency appointment had been made for me the following morning to see a specialist dermatologist again. The morning was such a whirlwind- everything happened so fast! We arrived at the hospital and I was seen by the specialist who said he wasn’t happy, and diagnosed it as a form of melanoma which was growing rapidly. It had infact grown another CM from the day the GP had referred me. He wanted me to be seen immediately by a plastic surgeon. Continued in comments @lamissahlashontae

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne) στις